A Pregnancy and Dental Care Q&A
Unique dental care is required to keep mom and baby safe during dental treatment. Below are a few questions and answers concerning getting dental treatment with Dr. Seide while pregnant.
Should I avoid going to the dentist while pregnant?
-No, a healthy mouth is going to be key during pregnancy.
Can I get a cleaning and check up exam while pregnant?
-Yes, A routine dental cleaning is a safe procedure that helps to reduce plaque and improve overall gum health. Pregnancy gingivitis is common and can be avoided or reduced with good home care and professional cleanings. A dental exam can reveal areas that might become a problem for you later in your pregnancy.
I am in pain or I might have a dental infection. Should I wait until after I have the baby to treat it?
-NO, it is not healthy for you or your baby to remain in that state. Allow Dr. Seide to help you and make an appointment right away.
I am in my first trimester, what can I get done during my dental appointment?
-urgent or emergency dental care (extraction or root canal)
-routine exam and cleaning
I am in my second trimester, what can I get done during my dental appointment?
-routine exam and cleaning
-routine dental care that treats issues that may become a problem if not addressed right away
I am in my third trimester, what can I get done during my dental appointment?
-Early in the third trimester, if you are comfortable enough, routine exam and cleaning and short appointments for routine dental care
Can I get x-rays while pregnant?
-Yes, however, Dr. Seide avoids ordering x-rays in the first trimester unless absolutely necessary (in the case of a dental emergency). In the second and third trimester, only limited x-rays needed will be taken on an as needed basis.
Are x-rays taken safely?
-Yes, at Bloom Dental we use low exposure techniques and use a lead apron and collar as a physical barrier for protection.
Can I get numbed while pregnant?
-Yes, Dr. Seide will follow any recommendations given by your ob/gyn and use anesthetics that are deemed to be in the low risk category by the FDA.
Can I take antibiotics while pregnant?
-Yes, Dr. Seide will follow any recommendations given by your ob/gyn and prescribe antibiotics that are deemed to be in the low risk category by the FDA.
Can I take pain medicine while pregnant?
-Yes, Any prescribed pain medicine will follow the recommendations of your ob/gyn, and be in the low risk category by the FDA.
Does Pregnancy cause gum disease?
-No, but it may modify or worsen what is already present. Optimal plaque removal and oral hygiene is crucial during this time. Get your deep cleaning done if you haven’t already.
Pregnancy has caused me to have a bad gag reflex or morning sickness. What can I do to prevent cavities from the acid contact on my teeth?
-Rinse after regurgitation (water or baking soda) to help neutralize the acid on your teeth.
I am breastfeeding and my dental care requires me to be numbed. Will the anesthetic affect my breastmilk?
-There will be miniscule traces of the dental anesthetic in your breastmilk, it is recommended that you wait 4-6 hours after receiving dental anesthetic before breastfeeding again.